Speech To Text For Mac Os

Dictate your messages and documents on Mac. With keyboard dictation, you can dictate text anywhere you can type it. Turn it on in the Dictation pane of Keyboard preferences to enable keyboard dictation—where your words are sent to Apple servers to be analyzed using the latest language data and converted into text in real-time. Voice notebook is a voice recognition application for converting speech to text (a good external microphone is strongly recommended). It can also convert an audio file to text. The current version works only for the Chrome browser in Windows, Mac and Linux OS (for Android and iOS users there are special Android, iOS applications). Voice typing instructions.

By Adela D. Louie, Last updated: August 27, 2019

Dragon Dictation. Dragon Dictation is one of that functional software that you can rely on. Vox Machina is a speech synthesizer application for Mac OS X. It utilizes Apple's Speech Synthesizer technology, which enables it to speak text out loud and save spoken text as audio files (either uncompressed AIFF or MP3-encoded audio).

Text-to-speech as known as an assistive technology wherein it will be able to read any digital content that you have on your Mac. That is why this feature is sometimes called the “Read Aloud” technology.

All it takes is just one hit of a single button, the TTS will then be able to take some words on your Mac and have them be in audio. This is one helpful feature that you can use especially if you have a child that has difficulty in reading. In addition to that, it could also be very helpful to you as well especially if you are that type of person who loves to do multi-tasking.

And with that, we are going to show you in this article some of the text-to-speech that you can use on your Mac. This way, you will be able to do more tasks while listening to your digital content by activating text-to-speech.

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Part 1: Different Text-To-Speech for Mac

1. The macOS TTS

If you are looking for a text-to-speech for you to have to on your Mac, then you might want to consider the one that is already installed on your Mac before setting to get third-party applications. Yes, that is right. Your macOS actually comes with a built-in TTS that you can use anywhere from your computer including from your notes up to your browser.

For you to know how to use the built-in TTS that you have on your Mac, here are the things that you should do.

Step 1: Go ahead and choose all the text that you would want to read by your Mac.

Step 2: After that, go ahead and right-click on the selected words.

Step 3: From there, all you need to do is to click on Speech and then click on Start Speaking.

Once that you are done, your Mac will then be able to read the text that you have selected. The built-in TTS on your Mac also comes with different languages that you can choose from. And for you to be able to change your language, all you need to do is to click on Accessibility and then choose Speech.

However, the macOS TTS can only come with a basic work thus you will not be able to pause and play and more features. But this could be a perfect tool to use for those you just want a basic text-to-speech application.


  • It is a built-in app on your Mac
  • Comes with several options for voice.
  • It can convert text to an iTunes track


  • It does not have a Play and Pause button
  • You have to manually choose the words that you want this app to read.
  • It does not come with instant pickup.

2. Invicta TTS

This is one simple application of a text-to-speech that you can easily download from your Mac App Store. Once that you launch the Invicta on your Mac, it will automatically show you text box wherein you can paste the text that you want it to read.

The Invicta TTS is also one basic application, however, it can give you an option for you to be able to pause and play the audio that you are listening to especially if you are having a long article. The settings of its voice will not be changed, but the built-in voice that you have is actually quite good enough.


  • Comes with minimal and light
  • Has a Play and Pause button


  • It does not have the ability to automatically read documents
  • It can only support the English language

3. Natural Reader

The Natural Reader is one of the most powerful applications that you can use on your Mac as your TTS. But this app is not only available on Windows, iOS and even for Android devices. It also has an online reader.

The Natural Reader comes with so many features that you can use. This app comes with a free version but it can only give you some basic features of TTS and the ability to read from files such as Docx, PDF, ePub, and as well as Txt. You can also use it to read some words for you while you are using other applications on your Mac.


  • It has the ability to support file formats
  • It has the ability to convert audios
  • It can cross platforms
  • Comes with OCR support


  • It has a high cost
  • It does not come with an instant pickup

4. The Ready Aloud

Unlike any other TTS application, the Read Aloud app comes with a Chrome extension which is for some people comes appealing. This application is free to use and install and the icon of this TTS will be seen at the extension bar wherein you will be able to use to read any website or any articles that you want online.

You can also have it play or pause it or even have it rewind which is really handy. The Read-Aloud is a straight forward application that you can use.


  • Comes with a great and natural voice
  • Has the rewind and forward button
  • You can listen to webpages


  • It can only work on Google Chrome browser.

5. Capti Voice

Text To Speech Mac Download

Capti Voice is one app that actually used your browser so that it can function well. That means that this application is not a Mac standalone app. But the great is that you can still use the application even if you are offline.

This application comes with s subscription-based model but you can still make use of its free trial version and it still comes with a lot of features that you can actually use. And on the other side, if you are going to get its premium version, you will be able to use some features such as making your own playlist, OCR Support, and the intelligent dictionary lookup. Also, the voices that come with this TTS has a very high quality that you can enjoy listening to it.


  • It can create playlists
  • Comes with dictionary lookup
  • Comes with some shortcuts
  • Can cross platforms using a mobile application


  • It is not a standalone app
  • It can only sync if you use cloud storage.

Part 2: Keeping Your Mac from Unwanted Apps

Now, since that we are talking about some applications that you might be getting for you to have the best text-to-speech on your Mac, they might as well consider on getting removing all the apps that you no longer use. Apps that you have on your Mac that you do not actually need can take up a lot of space on your Mac. Which means that because of these unwanted apps that you have, you might experience slow performance on your Mac and some other related concerns.

Completely removing applications on your Mac is not just by putting them on your trash. You also have to make sure that you remove all of those files that come with the application that you want to remove. And with that, you may need to go through all of the files that you have on your Mac just to get the files that come with the app you are uninstalling. Now, this could really take a lot of your time.

Luckily we have the best tool that you can use for you to be able to remove all the apps that you no longer need on your Mac. And the best part of it is that it can also remove all of the files that are associated with the application. All of this is just one click. And the tool that we are talking about is no other than the FoneDog PowerMyMac.

The FoneDog PowerMyMac is considered to be the best Mac Cleaner that you can use for you to be able to clean up your Mac. Using this tool, you will be able to uninstall any apps on your Mac instantly. And to know more how the FoneDog PowerMyMac works, here is a quick guide for you.

Step 1: Grab the FoneDog PowerMyMac

First of all, you have to download the FoneDog PowerMyMac from our website and have it installed on your Mac.

Step 2: Open Up FoneDog PowerMyMac

After the successful installation of the program, you can then go ahead and open up the FoneDog PowerMyMac. And as you can see on the main screen of the program, the system status of your Mac is shown by default.

Step 3: Hit Toolkit Module

On the same screen, there are three modules that you can choose from. The first one is the Status wherein you see your Mac’s system status. The other one is Cleaner. And lastly is the Toolkit module. From those three, go ahead and hit on Toolkit.

Step 4: Select Uninstaller

Then, under the Toolkit module, you will be able to see several options that you can choose from. So from that list of options, you can just go ahead and choose the Uninstaller.


Step 5: Scan Process

After choosing the Uninstaller option, the FoneDog PowerMyMac will then instruct you to make a scan. This is where the FoneDog PowerMyMac will be able to find all of the applications that you have on your Mac. And for you to do this, just go ahead and simply click on the “Scan” button.

Then, the scanning process will then start. And after the scanning process is all done, you will then see a full circle icon located on the left part of the FoneDog PowerMyMac screen.

Step 6: Check the Result

Once that the process is done, you can then go ahead and see the result of the scanning process. For you to do so, just go ahead and simply click on the “View” button.

Step 7:Choose the App to Uninstall from Mac

Then, on the result page, you will be able to see all the applications that you have on your Mac. From there, just go ahead and simply scroll down and look for the application that you want to remove from your Mac. Then, go ahead and click on that application.

Step 8: Select the File to Clean Up

Now, on the right side of your screen, you will be able to see all the files that are associated with the application that you want to uninstall from your Mac. From there, just go ahead and choose all the files to remove along with the application. You can also make use the “Select All” button at the top of your screen for you to choose all the files at once.

Step 9: Clean All Files and Uninstall App

After choosing the app that you want to uninstall and as well as the files that you want to remove from your Mac, then it is now time for you to start the cleaning process. To do so, all you need to is to click on the Clean button at the bottom of your screen.

Step 10: Confirm the Process

After clicking on the Clean button, you will then be able to see a pop-up box appear on your screen. This is where the FoneDog PowerMyMac is asking for your confirmation on the cleaning process. So all you have to do now is to click on the Confirm button. Then the cleaning process will begin.

Part 3: Conclusion

There is actually a lot of text-to-speech application that you can use on your Mac aside from the ones that we have mentioned above. So if you know any application, then you can go ahead and leave a comment to let us know.

The Sense HAT, which is a fundamental part of the Astro Pi mission, allows your Raspberry Pi to sense the world around it. In this project, you will learn how to control the Sense HAT’s LED matrix and collect sensor data, and you will combine these ideas in a number of small projects. Sense hat raspberry pi zero The Sense HAT is an add-on board for Raspberry Pi, made especially for the Astro Pi mission – it launched to the International Space Station in December 2015 – and is now available to buy. The Sense HAT has an 8×8 RGB LED matrix, a five-button joystick and includes the following sensors. Sense Hat presentation “HAT” definition. We often use the term HAT to define a Raspberry Pi extension It’s not only for the first meaning, but it stands for “Hardware Attached on Top”. In short, it’s an additional card, that you plug on the top of your Raspberry Pi to bring new features.

Also, you have to make sure that you have the perfect uninstaller tool that you can use for you to remove any apps on your Mac. Or even the ones that you are going to install and would not like it. For that, you can go ahead and opt on getting the FoneDog PowerMyMac for you to have the best experience in cleaning up your Mac.

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macOS Catalina introduces Voice Control, a new way to fully control your Mac entirely with your voice. Voice Control uses the Siri speech-recognition engine to improve on the Enhanced Dictation feature available in earlier versions of macOS.1

How to turn on Voice Control

After upgrading to macOS Catalina, follow these steps to turn on Voice Control:

  1. Choose Apple menu  > System Preferences, then click Accessibility.
  2. Click Voice Control in the sidebar.
  3. Select Enable Voice Control. When you turn on Voice Control for the first time, your Mac completes a one-time download from Apple.2
    Voice Control preferences

When Voice Control is enabled, you see an onscreen microphone representing the mic selected in Voice Control preferences.

To pause Voice Control and stop it from from listening, say ”Go to sleep” or click Sleep. To resume Voice Control, say or click ”Wake up.”

How to use Voice Control

Get to know Voice Control by reviewing the list of voice commands available to you: Say “Show commands” or ”Show me what I can say.” The list varies based on context, and you may discover variations not listed. To make it easier to know whether Voice Control heard your phrase as a command, you can select ”Play sound when command is recognized” in Voice Control preferences.

Basic navigation

Voice Control recognizes the names of many apps, labels, controls, and other onscreen items, so you can navigate by combining those names with certain commands. Here are some examples:

  • Open Pages: ”Open Pages.” Then create a new document: ”Click New Document.” Then choose one of the letter templates: 'Click Letter. Click Classic Letter.” Then save your document: ”Save document.”
  • Start a new message in Mail: ”Click New Message.” Then address it: ”John Appleseed.”
  • Turn on Dark Mode: ”Open System Preferences. Click General. Click Dark.” Then quit System Preferences: ”Quit System Preferences” or ”Close window.”
  • Restart your Mac: ”Click Apple menu. Click Restart” (or use the number overlay and say ”Click 8”).

You can also create your own voice commands.

Number overlays

Use number overlays to quickly interact with parts of the screen that Voice Control recognizes as clickable, such as menus, checkboxes, and buttons. To turn on number overlays, say ”Show numbers.” Then just say a number to click it.

Number overlays make it easy to interact with complex interfaces, such as web pages. For example, in your web browser you could say ”Search for Apple stores near me.” Then use the number overlay to choose one of the results: ”Show numbers. Click 64.” (If the name of the link is unique, you might also be able to click it without overlays by saying ”Click” and the name of the link.)

Speech To Text Software Mac Os

Voice Control automatically shows numbers in menus and wherever you need to distinguish between items that have the same name.

Grid overlays

Use grid overlays to interact with parts of the screen that don't have a control, or that Voice Control doesn't recognize as clickable.

Say “Show grid” to show a numbered grid on your screen, or ”Show window grid” to limit the grid to the active window. Say a grid number to subdivide that area of the grid, and repeat as needed to continue refining your selection.

To click the item behind a grid number, say ”Click” and the number. Or say ”Zoom” and the number to zoom in on that area of the grid, then automatically hide the grid. You can also use grid numbers to drag a selected item from one area of the grid to another: ”Drag 3 to 14.”

To hide grid numbers, say ”Hide numbers.” To hide both numbers and grid, say ”Hide grid.”

Speech To Text For Microsoft


When the cursor is in a document, email message, text message, or other text field, you can dictate continuously. Dictation converts your spoken words into text.

  • To enter a punctuation mark, symbol, or emoji, just speak its name, such as ”question mark” or ”percent sign” or ”happy emoji.” These may vary by language or dialect.
  • To move around and select text, you can use commands like ”Move up two sentences” or ”Move forward one paragraph” or ”Select previous word” or ”Select next paragraph.”
  • To format text, try ”Bold that” or ”Capitalize that,” for example. Say ”numeral” to format your next phrase as a number.
  • To delete text, you can choose from many delete commands. For example, say “delete that” and Voice Control knows to delete what you just typed. Or say ”Delete all” to delete everything and start over.

Voice Control understands contextual cues, so you can seamlessly transition between text dictation and commands. For example, to dictate and then send a birthday greeting in Messages, you could say ”Happy Birthday. Click Send.” Or to replace a phrase, say ”Replace I’m almost there with I just arrived.”

You can also create your own vocabulary for use with dictation.

Create your own voice commands and vocabulary

Create your own voice commands

  1. Open Voice Control preferences, such as by saying ”Open Voice Control preferences.”
  2. Click Commands or say ”Click Commands.” The complete list of all commands opens.
  3. To add a new command, click the add button (+) or say ”Click add.” Then configure these options to define the command:
    • When I say: Enter the word or phrase that you want to be able to speak to perform the action.
    • While using: Choose whether your Mac performs the action only when you're using a particular app.
    • Perform: Choose the action to perform. You can open a Finder item, open a URL, paste text, paste data from the clipboard, press a keyboard shortcut, select a menu item, or run an Automator workflow.
  4. Use the checkboxes to turn commands on or off. You can also select a command to find out whether other phrases work with that command. For example, “Undo that” works with several phrases, including “Undo this” and “Scratch that.”

To quickly add a new command, you can say ”Make this speakable.” Voice Control will help you configure the new command based on the context. For example, if you speak this command while a menu item is selected, Voice Control helps you make a command for choosing that menu item.

Create your own dictation vocabulary

Speech To Text For Microsoft Word 2010

  1. Open Voice Control preferences, such as by saying ”Open Voice Control preferences.”
  2. Click Vocabulary, or say ”Click Vocabulary.”
  3. Click the add button (+) or say ”Click add.”
  4. Type a new word or phrase as you want it to be entered when spoken.

Learn more

Text To Speech Software Mac

  • For the best performance when using Voice Control with a Mac notebook computer and an external display, keep your notebook lid open or use an external microphone.
  • All audio processing for Voice Control happens on your device, so your personal data is always kept private.
  • Use Voice Control on your iPhone or iPod touch.
  • Learn more about accessibility features in Apple products.

1. Voice Control uses the Siri speech-recognition engine for U.S. English only. Other languages and dialects use the speech-recognition engine previously available with Enhanced Dictation.

2. If you're on a business or school network that uses a proxy server, Voice Control might not be able to download. Have your network administrator refer to the network ports used by Apple software products.